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  1. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Flight Sim 2018 Versión: 1.2.11 La continuación de una serie de simuladores de aviación. Este proyecto se ha establecido como uno de los representantes más realistas del género, y esto se aplica no solo a la física, el día y la noche, los cambios climáticos, sino también a la disponibilidad de aviones, aeropuertos, ciudades e incluso interiores de aviones de la vida real. La jugabilidad se presenta en forma de varias misiones y tareas. Este juego te dará la oportunidad de probar suerte en la gestión de aviones civiles.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Precio: S/ 45.00 por 30 Días Métodos de pago: Pagar en agentes, agencias o tiendas del BCP. Pagar en "Agente Interbank Perú" Coder: Cold Cristal Versión: G5 Ventas: Abiertas Comprar Ahora: Abiertas Incluye : Actualizaciones gratuitas por 30 días. 03 cambios de HWID(código de licencia) por mes. Acceso al sitio oficial del hack, en donde obtienes soporte en español. Cold Hacks es un hack desarrollado para el juego de Wolf Team por ColdCristal. Este hack además de incluir inventario y personajes incluye opciones novedosas que suponen un gran avance en el desarrollo de cheats/trucos para juegos. A continuación se describirá el contenido y las opciones del mismo. Opciones de Cold Team Versiones de Windows Compatibles Windows XP x86 Windows Vista x86/x64 Windows 7 x86/x64 Windows 8 y Windows 8.1 x86/x64 Windows 10 x86/x64 Versiones de Wolfteam Compatibles Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Vídeos
  3. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V40 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  4. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V39 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  5. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V38 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  6. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V37 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  7. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V36 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  8. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V35 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  9. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V34 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  10. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V33 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  11. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V32 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  12. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V31 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  13. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V30 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Euro Truck Driver - 2018 Versión: 2.2 Un camionero simulador realista en el que tienes que intentar hacer una fortuna transportando mercancías. Los desarrolladores se han centrado en el realismo y esto se aplica literalmente a todos los aspectos del juego, escenarios realistas, pistas y autos de la vida real, día y noche, así como el clima dinámico. Gráficamente, el juego es simplemente increíble, los altos detalles de objetos, paisajes e incluso cabañas te permitirán sumergirte en la atmósfera del juego. Enlace 1 : APK Mod Enlace 2 : archivo OBB El archivo OBB debe ser extraído en la Carpeta: /sdcard/Android/obb/
  15. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V29 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  16. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V28 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  17. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V27 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  18. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V26 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  19. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V25 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  20. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V24 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  21. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V23 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  22. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V22 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
  23. Version 1.0.0


    WLPX Beta V21 Wolfteam All Server [Mena] How to Activate: Deactivate your antivirus Extract the two Files Run the Hack As Administrator Select the server Search the Wolfteam Icon Wait for the charge to finish and start wolfteam Enjoy the hacker Servers Compatible: Wolfteam Internacional de Softnyx (WIS) Wolfteam Turco de Joygame (WTS) Wolfteam Árabe de Joygame (WAS) Wolfteam Latino de Softnyx (WLS) Wolfteam Brasil de Softnyx (WPS) Softnyx WolfTeam International (WIS) Joygame WolfTeam Turkey (WTS) Aeria Games WolfTeam United States (AUS) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam Germany (ADE) (NEW) Aeria Games WolfTeam France (AFR) (NEW) Important disable your antivirus
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